Fldigi Users Manual  4.2.00
Cloudlog Setup


This logbook interface applies to users who want fldigi to automatically transfer the logged QSOs to a Cloudlog instance via the Cloudlog REST API. More information and documentation regarding Cloudlog can be found at https://www.magicbug.co.uk/cloudlog/.

Cloudlog Configuration

The configuration for Cloudlog requires the URL, an API key and a Station Location number to log to. The API key can be created within Cloudlog by selecting "API Keys" within the user account menu. Be sure to generate a read % write key. The top of the page also shows the API URL. The number of the station location can be found on the "Station Locations" page from the user menu. It is shown as ID for every location listed.

These three values have to be configured in the Cloudlog section in the fldigi configuration under Logging - Cloudlog.

There is a test button that allows for testing the functionality of the configured Cloudlog instance and its API key. If the key is valid and allows write access the button will turn green after pressing it. The button will turn yellow in case the API key is read-only. If it turns red either the API key or the URL is wrong. For a basic test there also is a test function within Cloudlog to test API keys.

Cloudlog Usage

If Cloudlog is enabled in the configuration of fldigi all QSO data will automatically be transmitted to Cloudlog via its REST API if the log QSO button is pressed. All other logging mechanism are not affected by these settings

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