EMCpup Version
New version based on the latest release of Puppy, 3.01 which may give
better performance for some video hardware.
Access to the various programs is via the Pup Menu system with the following software preinstalled:
- fldigi-2.10
- flarq-3.2
- fl_logbook-2.5
- geoid-1.2
- Sylpheed (latest Puppy Pet version)
All Help files for the EMCcomm suite include, Sylpheed use, flarq and
fldigi. Fldigi help is included in both html and pdf formats.
fldigi, flarq, fl_logbook, geoid and EMChelp are on the Network menu. Sylpheed is on the Internet menu.
Download the ISO and md5 checksum file here:
Pet Distribution for the EMCpup.3.01 release series
The following Pet files can be loaded onto an existing Puppy 3.01
or used to upgrade a previously downloaded EMCpup release.
This is much faster if you already have a working Live
CD for Puppy 3.01. Just click on the file from the Puppy default
browser and open using the Pet installer. The Pet Menu system
will be updated but you will need to restart your JWM window manager to
see the changes. You can then save your new installation or burn
a new distribution CD.
For a fully functioning EMC installation you will also need to download the latest version of Sylpheed using the Pet Installer.